I don't know why these words are coming out of my fingers in another language. It probably has something to do with the text I've just read, written by one of my best friends about recovering from an ED. You know, I often look at myself and wonder how is it possible that I went through that. I obviously don't have the body of someone who starved herself for days or puked her eyes out but I did, a long time ago and that was the only way I had to make me feel good about myself, even if for a moment. And the constant feeling of not being good enough is hanging on me like the shadow of my worst nightmare. It's actually funny how my mind wanders through those oh-so-dark days even when I think I'm distracted. How can I deal with it? How do I look in the mirror and find the person starring at me pleaseant or at least acceptable? I forgot what that feels like. What I didn't forget is the hell I've gone through amd that's something I'm very close to but definitely not looking forward to. I will find a way. I need to find a way.
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